A couple of months ago, I wrote an article entitled, "What does development mean to you... Never miss the value for the money" I know and understand that the post was not that popular because it carried a little bit of mind-boggling issues. My apologies, but the whole idea is to trigger thoughts outside the box and to foster dialogue, so that at the end of the day, we all get the fundamentals right and we are operating on the same wavelength. By the way, we are still celebrating the "Year of Agriculture and Food Security (I usually call it the YoAFS )" and the "Year of Family Farming." And I am becoming really excited by the increasing amount of YoAFS "multimedia traffic" I am encountering in the digital space.Was just having a look at the AU page for the YoAFS, and check out a glimpse of it below: Anyway, before I get carried away, let me talk about what I really want to talk about. In my earlier "Development Perspectives A...
By Harrison Manyumwa